BIOCHAGA (Inonotus Obliquus)
Our product is represented in a convenient concentrated powder form.
Water-soluble chromogenic complex is the main
active constituent of chaga mushroom.
It consists of phenolic aldehydes, polyphenols, oxyphenylcarboxylic acids
and quinones that enhance antineoplastic activity.
Regulates acid-base balance in human body.
It also has a good antioxidant effect.
BioChaga is a natural health protection in a convenient form.
• Increases immune system and body resistance against viral, microbial and fungial agents.
• Increases antineoplastic immunity – different oncological diseases prevention
• Clears body – toxins, wastes, radionuclides and heavy metals excretion. Improvement of the state of health in patients with food poisoning,
alcoholic intoxication, tumour intoxication etc.
• Has a restorative effect and promotes metabolism
• Accelerates body recovery after surgical operations, traumas and severe diseases
• Manages micro-elements deficiency (especially potassium and magnesium)
• Improves memory and brain metabolism recovery after traumas and strokes. Stabilizes the state of stress and depression, fights insomnia.
• Gastritis
• Gastroduodenal ulcer
• Hypotonic gallbladder and intestinal dyskinesia
• Polyposis gastrica and intestinal polyposis
• Constipation, gastrointestinal tract convulsions
• Blood pressure stabilization and arrhythmia auxiliary
• Diabetes and prediabetes as an additional hypoglycemic agent
• As a symptomatic therapy improves general state in oncological patients and enhances cancer drugs cytostatic activity
• Cuts and bruises treatment - chaga mushroom powder prevents wound abscess.
• Paradontosis, periodontitis, stomatitis gargles as gargle
• The product is non-toxic at the recommended dosage and may be used for disease prevention in healthy people!
• Recommended as an additional source of polyphenol compounds and micro-elements (potassium, magnesium, manganese, etc.)
Ingredients: 100% chaga mushroom extract. Natural product, does not contain artificial additives. Polyphenol compounds complex is not less than 3.4 g per 100 g of the product.
Method of administration: dissolve 1 spoon of the product (0,2-0,25 gram) in 100-200 ml of warm (up to 50) boiled water. Take for adults 2 times per day, 30 minutes before or 1.5 hour after the food ingestion. The product may be taken up to 3 times per day.
The course of treatment: 2 months. The course can be repeated with a minimal gap between courses of 7-10 days.
Shelf life: 2 years.
Idiosyncrasy, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Attention: In the course of chaga mushroom medications use, it is necessary: to stop the intravenous use of glucose, penicilline antibiotics; to consume dairy and vegetarian food, to exclude seasoned dishes and smoked products.
Dietary supplement. Not a medicine.